Bacaan lanjut Hukum_termodinamik_kedua

  • Goldstein, Martin, and Inge F., 1993. The Refrigerator and the Universe. Harvard Univ. Press. Chpts. 4-9 contain an introduction to the Second Law, one a bit less technical than this entry. ISBN 978-0-674-75324-2
  • Leff, Harvey S., and Rex, Andrew F. (eds.) 2003. Maxwell's Demon 2 : Entropy, classical and quantum information, computing. Bristol UK; Philadelphia PA: Institute of Physics. ISBN 978-0-585-49237-7
  • Halliwell, J.J.; dll. (1994). Physical Origins of Time Asymmetry. Cambridge. ISBN 0-521-56837-4. Salah guna et al. dalam: |first= (bantuan)(technical).
  • Iftime (2010). "Complex aspects of gravity". arXiv:1001.4571 [physics.gen-ph].